Máme prvý príspevok v angličtine. Pohľad na Damask, hlavné mesto Sýrie a život v ňom od Roberty. Človeka, ktorý vie o čom hovorí.
„As soon as you arrive to Damascus, you feel you made a trip through the time, instead of the space. It is the place where civilization is born, eternity touches you through the five senses: the eyeful, sense of smell, the touch, the taste, the hear. It is disarming the way this place is unique, not only geographically but also as arabic society with a muslim majority. The concept of modernity is present but filtered, intimate i might say. Damascus is a city where evolution is present but loaded by a relation with time very local, very personal. You can find everything but you have to look for it with quite determination. Muslim, Christians, Jewish people live together, with the tolerance of whom feels strong his roots, his identity. Like a fruit that ripens, the hostile looks become friendly smiles, like a part of a ritual. Traditions impose code of behaviour, like a wise despot that gives order passing them as „advices“. After one year in Damascus a lots of prejudices smoked away as puffs of narghila, so i ask myself, when you overpass the surface of a culture, are the needs of human souls so different?“
Roberta D’Afflitto